Sunday, 7 September 2014

3 Artists who have broken the rules 2

Marc Quinn

He uses his own blood, faeces and ice to make sculptures. Quinn’s sculpture, paintings and drawings often deal with the distanced relationship we have with our bodies, highlighting how the conflict between the 'natural' and 'cultural' has a grip on the contemporary psyche. 

Quinn has also made a series of marble sculptures of people either born with limbs missing or who have had them amputated. Quinn's works are definitely unsual and not of the norm because of his choice of works and his choice of materials.

Kittiwat Unarrom 

Thai artist, Kittiwat Unarrom uses bread to create his realistic and gruesome looking sculptures. He wants to show the audience how transient bread and life is by baking human parts out of bread, and no matter how it looks, it is still bread despite looking otherwise. 

Kerry Howley

Necklaces from human hair
Necklaces art

Her ideas of creating jewelery from human hair was inspired by people's aversion to cut hair. Hair is regarded as a important part of the body and is worn with pride, but once its connection to the body has been severed, it is viewed as disgusting. Through her art, she hoped that she could create a balance betwen aversion and attraction, and wanted to make cut hair appear attractive again. And it did make me feel that cut hair is now attractive, instead of disgusting, due to the necklaces she made.

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